Occupational Health & Safety Policy

It is Tai Crest Resources Sdn. Bhd. (TCR)’s policy that all our activities shall be conducted in the professional manner which safe guard the health and safety of all personnel including sub-contractors and visitors, as far as practical.

Every employee of TCR is obligated to work safely , to cooperate and to act responsibly in preventing ill, health injury to himself/herself and others.

In pursuing of this OH&S policy, we shall endeavor to the following commitments:

  • To provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work related injusry and ill health;
  • To fulfil legal requirements and other requirements;
  • To eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks;
  • To continual improvement of the OH&S management system;
  • To consultation and participation of worker;
  • To promote HSE culture


Updated: 6 May 2019