Nitrogen Skid OBJ
For safety purpose, a precommissioning purge and subsequent continuous purge is required throughout the flare system to prevent oxygen infiltration into the flare system that may lead to catastrophic flashback. Nitrogen makes up 78 % of the atmosphere with gas properties – inert, dry, colorless, odorless, and non-combustible, makes it the most suitable gas for […]
LPG/ Propane Skid
LPG / propane cylinders skid can be integrated with flare ignition skid and function as a pilot burner start-up. Also, it functions as a fuel gas back-up for pilot burner, with necessary instrumentation and controls applied to switch over automatically between the supply lines.
Nitrogen Skid
For safety purpose, a precommissioning purge and subsequent continuous purge is required throughout the flare system to prevent oxygen infiltration into the flare system that may lead to catastrophic flashback. Nitrogen makes up 78 % of the atmosphere with gas properties – inert, dry, colorless, odorless, and non-combustible, makes it the most suitable gas for […]