LPG/ Propane Skid
LPG / propane cylinders skid can be integrated with flare ignition skid and function as a pilot burner start-up. Also, it functions as a fuel gas back-up for pilot burner, with necessary instrumentation and controls applied to switch over automatically between the supply lines.
Nitrogen Skid
For safety purpose, a precommissioning purge and subsequent continuous purge is required throughout the flare system to prevent oxygen infiltration into the flare system that may lead to catastrophic flashback. Nitrogen makes up 78 % of the atmosphere with gas properties – inert, dry, colorless, odorless, and non-combustible, makes it the most suitable gas for […]
Dual Ignition Skid
Dual ignition skid has both electronic and FFG ignition system in one skid. FFG usually act as a backup ignition if the electronic mode is not available. This dual ignition skid can be integrated with LPG / propane cylinders skid that act as a back-up and pilot burner start-up.
Electronic Skid
Electronic ignition is the simplest and safest way of lighting pilot burner. Electronic skid works with high velocity fuel gas injection from the ignition skid through pilot body – creating low pressure area thus drawing in air through pilot venturi. Air introduced in the system will mixed up with fuel gas stream while travelling to […]
Flame Front Generator (FFG) Skid
Known as fire ball ignition type, TCR provides FFG skid in manual and automatic mode. FFG skid works by mixing air and fuel gas together in a flammable ratio. Air and fuel gas are metered through pressure regulator into a mixing chamber. Air-fuel gas mixture will then fill in the FFG line up to the […]
HEI Ignitor
A self-inspirating pilot burner that are able to pre-mix fuel gas and air for ignition. The system requires external fuel source, designed with single source of ignition, high energy form of electronic ignition system – manual or automatic ignition via PLC control. High energy ignition (HEI) system operates at lower voltages using a capacitor to […]
Dual Pilot Burner
SPFF-3.0-01 pilot burner is designed with two sources of ignition system – electronic ignition system and Flame Front Generation (FFG). The pilot can be ignited either with electronic or FFG ignition. FFG is the backup mode of ignition if the electronic mode is not available. Each pilot is pre-installed with single or dual element type-K […]
Flame Front Generator (FFG)
FFG pilot burner is designed with single source of ignition, flame front generated (FFG) – manually. More robust, maintenance work can be done at ignition skid while flaring. Each pilot is pre-installed with single or dual element type-K thermocouple(s) to monitor the temperature of pilot and signal PLC with the flare status. Pilot burner will […]
Electronic Pilot Burner
SP-3.0-01 pilot burner is designed with single source of ignition, high voltage form of electronic ignition system – manually or automatically via PLC control. The high voltage systems rely on 8 000 – 10 000 volt discharges causing a spark across an air gap to light the pilot. Each pilot is pre-installed with single or […]
Floating Flare Unit (FFU)
TCR Floating Flare Unit (FFU) all in one flaring system – our comprehensive FFU design incorporated a self-contained skid including solar panels, batteries & a radio link which was mounted onto the FFU as a single unit. FFU Advantages: Generate its own power by using solar panel – does not require outsource power. Minimum power […]